Our final Middle Prep VIP tour for the school year at DuPont Hadley Middle on April 1 ended with a bang. More than 50 attendees were welcomed by the school band, entertained by a guitarist, observed project-based learning activity from students and were dazzled with a selection by the chorus as the tour kicked off.

The DuPont Hadley Middle mission statement is “challenging, developing, encouraging.” As the guests toured the building, they saw examples of how each student is challenged, developed and encouraged by viewing “a day in the life” at DuPont Hadley.

  • Fifth grade – VIPs sat in on a meeting of the school’s Bridge Club, where students sharpen their math skills by playing the classic card game. This club is supported by volunteers from the Vanderbilt University Bridge Club.
  • Sixth grade – Guests experienced the theme “To Proficiency and Beyond” via a project-based learning experience where students used a green screen to create a broadcast featuring weather forecasts and news stories.
  • Seventh grade – The tour group visited a literacy class where students were posting their work on a blog and receiving instant feedback from their teacher.
  • Eighth grade – Attendees observed an algebra class whose students were earning high school credit by studying polynomials and rational expressions.

As the tour concluded, guests left the school building inspired and even a little overwhelmed by their experience. More than one VIP mentioned being impressed by the opportunities available to students.

We plan to schedule four more Middle Prep VIP Tours for the 2015-2016 school year; stay tuned for details as they’re announced.

Guests enjoyed a performance by DuPont Hadley’s student choir. Click here to see more photos from the visit.