On July 1, we officially started our new Partnership 2020 five-year regional strategic plan. We are excited about Nashville’s continued prosperity and how our efforts will impact the regional economy in the years ahead.

We have so much success to celebrate, not only in this most recent fiscal year, but over the past five years of Partnership 2020. The 26-year results of this Partnership are astounding. A measured, well-thought-out plan for growing our economy has resulted in:

  • more than 850 companies relocating to the region;
  • more than 370,000 new jobs created;
  • per capita income growth of nearly 150 percent;
  • and population growth of more than 156 percent.

This work would not be possible without the generous support and leadership of each of our Partnership 2020 investors. Thank you for your continued commitment to the Nashville region.

Recent corporate relocation & expansion highlights

Nashville tops the charts
