Did you know that 96 percent of the world’s consumers live outside of the United States, and that 70 percent of the world’s purchasing power is outside the U.S.?

Exporting is an excellent way to grow your small or midsized business. If there is a market for your product in the U.S., there is definitely a market for your product overseas. Going global can only grow your market and increase its receptivity. Getting involved internationally decreases your business’ sole reliance on the American economy, thereby increasing opportunity for longevity and stability. As trade grows exponentially and trade barriers fall, staying domestic means missing opportunities.

TNTrade provides free services to help Tennessee businesses expand internationally. Since 2012, the state-run program has helped more than 200 businesses connect with companies in Mexico, the UK, the EU and China. With the support of in-state export specialists and foreign offices, a company can receive one set of services from up to two different markets per year. These can include market checks, market strategies, market entry requirements, business partner searches, and trade events and travel assistance. The best part? These services are offered at no cost to you.

To make exporting easy for Tennessee businesses, TNTrade holds an International Week once a year. In early February, the state’s export team will meet one-on-one with businesses across the state to explore export opportunities. Meetings will be held at the Nashville Area Chamber of Commerce on Tuesday, Feb. 10. To participate, please contact TNTrade Director Leslee Alexander at leslee.alexander@tn.gov or 615-483-7293 to learn more about how Tennessee can help your business grow internationally.