The region’s wasteful trash habits have come into focus because of Middle Point Landfill’s pending closure and the region’s economic boom, which has generated more garbage.

In 2020, all of us in Davidson County – individuals and business alike – generated 1.2 million tons of garbage or about 9.4 pounds per person per day. As the Greater Nashville Regional Council pointed out during the Chamber’s March 31 Trash Talks event, we generate nearly twice as much waste as the national average.


Zero Waste

The best way to reduce your waste is to not generate at much in the first place. This can also create cost and energy savings.


All waste haulers in Davidson County are required to offer recycling services. Ask your hauler about starting recycling collection.


Diverting your food waste from a landfill is an important step in greening your workspace. Davidson County is home to two great composting companies: Compost Nashville and The Compost Company.